Before going to Silicon Valley, I love challenge to new technology, I made git static page to arrange concept of computer sceince for myself. I started studying the Data structure, algorithm and OSefore going to Silicon Valley, I love challenge to new technology, I made git static page to arrange concept of computer sceince for myself. I started studying the Data structure, algorithm and OS(operating system). that is a good time to remember knowledge I forgot. And, continuously while I’m doing OpenSource project In Silicon Valley, CA, I will make a note about what I learn.

요즘 미국 실리콘 밸리로 인턴을 떠나기 전에 심심해서 지금의 Git-Hub을 이용해 내 홈페이지를 만들고, 자바 “자바의 정석”, 열혈강의 C/C++, 자료구조, os(운영체제) 등을 다시 학습을 하기 시작했다. 이를 통해 그동안 잊고 지냈던 개념들을 다시 알게 되어 좋은 시간인거 같다. 또한 미국에서 리눅스 관련 OpenSource 작업을 하면서 필요한 정보들을 그때 그때 정리해놓아서 나중에 많은 도움을 받을 수 있을 거 같다.

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Bootstrap 1

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Compression 1

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Deconding 3

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Dialog 1

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Factuality 5

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Feedback 10

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IT 1

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Knowledge 3

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LLM 36

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LLMEval 1

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LM 3

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OOV Embedding 2

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Parsing 1

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Prompt 2

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Propmt 1

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RL 2

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Rag 2

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Ranking 1

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Retrieval 3

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Reward 13

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Semantic_Parsing 5

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Sentence embedding 1

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Survey 1

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Text2SQL 7

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Transformer 2

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aftl 1

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alfs 1

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algorithm 13

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analysis 1

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api 4

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array 3

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benchmark 5

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block device 1

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block device driver 4

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block layer 1

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c function 4

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character embedding 2

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cnn 1

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coding_standard 1

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command 10

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compile 3

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compression 1

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contextual Embedding 1

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contextual embedding 8

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conversation 2

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coreference resolution 1

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cpython 2

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cross_lingual_sentence_embedding 2

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cross_lingual_word_embedding 2

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ctypes 1

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cython 11

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dataset 1

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dependency embedding 2

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dependency parsing 1

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deque 1

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distance 1

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easy 6

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emnlp 1

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encoding 1

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error 1

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error dectection 1

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extractive summarization 2

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facebook 5

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filesystem 4

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fio 1

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flask 1

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generataion 1

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generative model 1

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git 1

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google 1

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ground learning 1

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heap 1

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html 1

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hugo 1

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image classification 1

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jekyll 9

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jupyter notebook 2

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konltk 20

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label embedding 1

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language 8

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language model 16

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latex 1

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library 1

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lightnvm 15

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linear_algebra 1

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linguistic reularity 1

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linux 9

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list 18

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machine learning 4

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machine reading comprehension 4

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markdown 2

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medium 5

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memory network 1

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meta-learning 1

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metrics 1

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middle 5

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morpheme embedding 1

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multi task 1

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multibooting 1

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neural network 61

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nlg 1

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nli 1

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nlp 47

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numpy 1

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nvme 20

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ood 1

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oos 1

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opensource 1

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parsing 1

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pattern 1

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phrase_embedding 1

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position 2

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pre-training 2

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python 24

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qemu 4

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question answering 2

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queue 3

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recommendation 3

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remote 1

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rocksdb 5

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security 2

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sentence embedding 9

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sequence modeling 1

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server 3

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setence similarity 1

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shell 3

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shell script 3

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similarity 2

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sorting 1

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stack 7

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summary 12

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svm 2

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swig 1

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syntactic property 1

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tagging 14

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tensorflow 16

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text classification 12

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text summarization 1

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text_summarization 1

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timeline 1

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tip 3

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tokenizer 1

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tool 1

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toolkit 1

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transfer learning 5

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transformer 1

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translation 15

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tree 3

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tutorial 2

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universal dependencies 1

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utility 8

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vi 1

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vim 2

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word dropout 1

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word embedding 13

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word vector 1

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word2vec 5

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word_embedding 1

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