This is a brief summary of paper for me to study and organize it, A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser using Neural Networks (Chen and Manning., EMNLP 2014) I read and studied.

This paper propose the model based on neural network for dependecy parsing task in NLP.

They address the problem that feature is sparsness and depends on expertise for developer for depedency parsing task or something in NLP.

Especially back then using property that low-dimensional, dense word embedding can effectively alleviate sparsity by sharing statistical strength between similar wors, and can provide them a good starting poit to construct features of words and their interactions.

Chen and Manning., EMNLP 2014

They propose the denpendecy parsing system with transition-based arc-standard, briefly saying how for the arc-standard-based transition-based dependency parsing to work.

Chen and Manning. EMNLP 2014

Also they showed a variety of model analysis: Pos tag and arc label embedding can capture semantic information very well in Section 4.4 expecting the possiblity to use it in other NLP task.
