This is a brief summary of paper for me to note it, Investigating Backtranslation in Neural Machine Translation (Poncelas et al., arXiv 2018)

This paper explore empirically how effective the back-traslationt technique is in NMT system.

As in their saying, There is a scenario where there are not enough authentic data (human-translated parallel data) available to obtain high-quality results.

So many research for NMT used back-translated data to retrain NMT system with data augmentation.

But They hypothesize that NMT with ‘imperfect’ data will - at some point - undo any benefit from the ‘perfect’ (human-translated) data , and lead the NMT to degrade in performance.

They implemented three scenarios which are authentic data only, syntenthic data only, and hybrid data.

When they evalute the performance, they used a number of common evaluation metrics – BLEU, TER, METEOR, and CHRF– to give a more comprehensive estimation of the comparative translation quality.

With the exception of TER, the higher the score, the better the performance; for TER which is an error metric, the lower the score, the better the quality.

They showed that hybrid model is better than model with authentic data only, and then the quality of hybrid starts degrading as the synthetic data overpowers the authentic.

In their experimental set-up and data, they reached that point at a synthetic-to-authentic ratio of 2:1.

They argue adding incrementally larger amounts of back-translated data is less harmful than they expect.
