wget utility and curl

The wget utility allows you to download we pages, files and images from the web using Linux command line.

wget -c URL_or_IP_Address_of_what_you_want_to_download

The curl is a tool to transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocoals.

curl -O URL_or_IP_Address_of_what_you_want_to_download

In more detailed, Let’s say, If you want to Fetch the file index.html from a certain URL using HTTP protocol. and display it to standard output. it is similar to view the source of the webpage, I mean the following will display the raw HTML

curl a_certain_URL/index.html

After fetching the same file as above, but If you want to redirect the output to a file, index_file, in the current directory.

type in like this:

curl a_certain_URL/index.html > index_file

If you want to output a file with the same name(index.html) in the current directory, this time use curl command with -O option like this:

curl -O curl a_certain_URL/index.html
