I refer to the book, cording interview.


First of all, get the total length of List, and then do the length of list % 2.

let’s make pseudo code

  bool FindOddOrEven (struct ListNode * head) {
      struct ListNode * temp = head;
      int count = 0;
      while (temp != NULL) {
            temp = temp -> next;
      if (count % 2 == 0)
          return true; // IF the list is even, return true;
          return false ; // IF the list is odd, rerturn false;

I can make the above code on another way to use the floyd cycle algorithm.

let’s make pseudo code!

  bool IsLinkedListIsLenghtEven (struct ListNode * head) {
            struct ListNode * temp = head;
        while (temp != NULL && temp -> next != NULL) {
            temp = temp -> next -> next;
        if( temp != NULL )
            return false; // this means the list is odd;
            return true ; // this means the list is even;

can you think you can search for list at one time, i.e O(1).

I think the list can, if List has hash table.

In other words, when you make list. you have to make hash table with the list.

how to make another List with two list sorted.

If you want to know more, let me know , and I recommend this site

 List A : 1 -> 2 -> 8 -> 9 -> 10  & List B : 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 12 -> 15
 you have to make another List with the above two list. 

내가 보기에는 merge sorting과 비슷해 보인다. 합치는 부분에서 I thinkg it’s like the merge part of merge sorting.

 here the insertion function of List put Node in the end of List. 
 struct ListNode * MergeList (struct ListNode * A, struct ListNode * B) {
    struct ListNode * tempA = A;
    struct ListNode * tempB = B;
    struct ListNode * mergeList = NULL;
    /// comparable part 
    While (tempA != NULL && tempB != NULL ) {
      if ( tempA -> data > tempB -> data) {
          tempB = tempB -> next;
      else if( tempA -> data < tempB -> data) {
          tempA = tempA -> next;
      else { // there are the same Nodes.
        tempA = tempA -> next;
        tempB = tempB -> next;
    // the rest part of List
    // tempA Is empty
    if (tempA == NULL ){
      // you have to processes list B
      while (tempB != NULL) {
          tempB = tempB -> next;
    // the opposite side of the above tempA. 
    if (tempB == NULL) {
      while (tempA != NULL) {
          tempA = tempA -> next;
  return mergeList;

Let’s see the sample code of the book,”coding interview”

just this book uses the recursive function.

 struct ListNode* MergeList(struct ListNode * a, struct ListNode * b ) {
        struct ListNode * result = NULL;
        if ( a == NULL)
          return b;
        else ( b == NULL)
          return a;
        if (a -> data <= b -> data) {
          result = a; 
          result -> next = MergeList(a-> next, b);
        else {
          result = b; 
          result -> next = MergeList(a, b->next);
    return result;

내가 보기에는 재귀적 함수의 활용성이 높을 수도 있다.

think about the recursive function. if You iterate. i.e If you repeat with the same way.