This is a brief summary of paper for me to study and note it, Skip-Thought Vectors (Kiros et al., NIPS 2015).

This papre is related to how to representation a sentence to a fixed-size vector utilizing sequence to sequence model with GRU.

Kiros et al., NIPS 2015

They model use a sentence tuple \((s_{t-1}, s_t, s_{t+1})\). Let \(w_i^t\) denote the t-th word for sentence \(s_i\) and let \(x_i^t\) denote its word embedding.

From here, I describe their model in three parts: the encoder, decoder, and objective function.

Encoder. Let \(w_i^1, … , w_i^N \) be the words in sentence \(s_i\) where N is the number of words in the sentence. At each time step, the encoder produces a hidden state \(h_i^t\) which can be interpreted as the representation of the seqeuence \(w_i^1, … , w_i^t\). The hidden state \(h_i^N\) thus represents the full sentence.

To encode a sentence, they iterate the following sequence of equations (dropping the subscript i):

\[\begin{matrix} r^t = \sigma(W_rx^t + U_rh^{t-1}) & (1) \end{matrix}\] \[\begin{matrix} z^t = \sigma(W_zx^t + U_zh^{t-1}) & (2) \end{matrix}\] \[\begin{matrix} \bar{h^t} = tanh(Wx^t + U(r^t \bigodot h^{t-1})) & (3) \end{matrix}\] \[\begin{matrix} h^t = (1-z^t) \bigodot h^{t-1} + z^t \bigodot \bar{h^t} & (4) \end{matrix}\]

where \(\bar{h^t}\) is the proposed state update at time t, \(z^t\) is the update gate, \(r^t\) is the reset gate (\(\bigodot\)) denotes a component-wise product. Both update gates takes values between zero and one.

Decoder. The decoder is a neural language model which conditions on the encoder output \(h_i\). The computation is similar to that of the enocoder except we introduce matrices \(C_z, C_r\) and \(C\) that are used to bias the update gate, reset gate and hidden state computation by the sentence vector. One decoder is used for the next sentence \(S_{i+1}\) while a second decoder is used for the previous sentence \(s_{i-1}\). Separate parameters are used for each decoder with the exception of the vocabulary matrix V, which is the weight matrix connecting the decoder’s hidden state for computing a distribution over words.

They describe the decoder for the next sentence \(s_{i+1}\) although an analogous computation is used for the previous sentence \(s_{i-1}\). Let \(h_{i+1}^t\) denote the hidden state of the decoder at time t. Decoding involves iterating through the following sequence of equations (dropping the subscript i+1):

\[\begin{matrix} r^t = \sigma(W_r^dx^t + U_r^dh^{t-1} + C_rh_i) & (5) \end{matrix}\] \[\begin{matrix} z^t = \sigma(W_z^dx^t + U_z^dh^{t-1} + C_zh_i) & (6) \end{matrix}\] \[\begin{matrix} \bar{h^t} = tanh(Wx^t + U(r^t \bigodot h^{t-1}) + Ch_i) & (7) \end{matrix}\] \[\begin{matrix} h^t = (1-z^t) \bigodot h^{t-1} + z^t \bigodot \bar{h^t} & (8) \end{matrix}\]

Given \(h_{i+1}^t\), the probability of word \(w_{i+1}^t \) given the previous t-1 words and the encoder vector is

\[\begin{matrix} P(w_{i+1}^t | w_{i+1}^{<t}, h_i) \propto exp(v_{w_{i+1}^t}h_{i+1}^t) & (9) \end{matrix}\]

where \(h_{i+1}^t\) denotes the row of V corresponding to the word of \(w_{i+1}^t\). An analogous computation is performed for the previous sentence \(S_{i-1}\)

Objectiv. Given a tuple (\(s_{i-1}, s_i, s_{i+1}\)), the objective optimized is the sum of the log-probabilities for the forward and backward sentences conditioned on the encoder representation:

\[\begin{matrix} \sum_{t}log(P(w_{i+1}^t | w_{i+1}^{<t}, h_i)) + \sum_{t}log(P(w_{i-1}^t | w_{i-1}^{<t}, h_i)) & (10) \end{matrix}\]

The total objective is the above summed over all such training tuples.
