9. Palindrome Number

Determine whether an interger is a palindrome. Do this without extra space.

bool isPalindrome(int x) {

My Solution

First, reverse the x.

Second, compare the reverse one with the original number.

Let’s see my code

bool isPalindrome(int x) {
    int copyOfX=x;
    int reverseNumber = 0;
    int flag=0; // first digit from right side. 
    if (x < 0) // I found that negative number is not always palindrome in here site.  
        return false;
    if (x < 10) // this means if digit of number is one, that is always palindrome
        return true;

    // from now on, I will reverse x to compare the original number with the reverse number.

    // first, reverse the number(x)
    while (copyOfX != 0){
        int temp = copyOfX%10;
        if (flag == 0)
            flag =1;   
            reverseNumber *= 10;
        reverseNumber += temp; 
        copyOfX /= 10;
        //for debugging in leetcode site. 
        //printf("copyOfX : %d, reverseNumber : %d\n", copyOfX, reverseNumber);
    // second, compare the original to the reverse thing
    if (x == reverseNumber)
        return true;
        return false;

Another Solution of the above one

I thought I just wanted to reduce one of my code line.

So I could find out one, that is flag variable.

Because I think when I make a code, if I have many turning point variables.

it is not easy to understaning the logic of code.

that is just my thought, If you have another one, Just say to me. I would like to discuss about it.

let’s see how to shrink my code lines.

bool isPalindrome(int x) {
    int copyOfX=x;
    int reverseNumber = 0; 
    if (x < 0) // I found that negative number is not always palindrome in here site.  
        return false;
    if (x < 10) // this means if digit of number is one, that is always palindrome
        return true;

    // from now on, I will reverse x to compare the original number with the reverse number.

    // first, reverse the number(x)
    while (copyOfX != 0){
        reverseNumber = reverseNumber*10 + copyOfX%10;
        copyOfX /= 10;
        //for debugging in leetcode site. 
        //printf("copyOfX : %d, reverseNumber : %d\n", copyOfX, reverseNumber);
    // second, compare the original to the reverse thing
    if (x == reverseNumber)
        return true;
        return false;