I've always tried to take an effort to improve my software skill. Apart from education at university, I got experience a variety of software development. developing at Natural Language Processing Lab, SAMSUNG SOFTWARE MEMBERSHIP and then I developed a new technology of SSD like NVMe and LightNVM and so on. Currently, I'm looking for job that I can work for thechnology that I can have interest in.
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Natural Language Processing lab in Kookmin University | Seoul, South Korean | 2017.06 --- present
- have worked as tech leader and researcher and engineer in Natural Language processing labs
- researched and developed “Korean Dependency Parsing by using Transition-based Deep Learning Techonology” with Tensorflow. [Slide-None]. [URL-None].
- researched and developed “Compound Noun Decomposition by using Bi-LSTM and Linear-chain CRF” with Tensorflow. [Slide-None]. [URL-None].
- researched and developed “Bi-LSTM-CRF and Syllable Embedding for Automatic Spacing of Korean Sentences” with Tensoflow. [Slide-None]. [URL-None].
- developed and carried out python open source project for Korean Natural Language toolkit. I have a role as Tech Leader and designed the total structure about the Open source which is how to contribute and test with test module, automatic build system, code checking, and documentation. I also made guide website with readthedocs and sphinx for python platform. [KoNLP websit], [KoNLP Github].
- researched and developed "Deep learning Method of Keyword Generation by using Doc2Vec and Word2Vec" - Award : 2nd Prize in Poster Presentation(IC-LYCS2018), Feb 2018 by Asia Pacific Society for Computing and Information Technology. [Poster-None].
- researched and developed "filtering Spam Text by using Sen2Vec and FeedFoward Neural Network" with Tensorflow, SVM Light, Google Word2Vec(C source). [Slide]. [URL].
- developed the recommendation word in text which is A B X C D, A B X, or X A, B. In the case, What is the best word on the position, X. - Toy Project [Github].
- Seminar of NLP technologies with deep learning
- “The Curious Case of Neural Text Degeneration (2021.07.09)”. [Slide].
- “Presentation About NLP pretraining for embedding on Applied web information processing class (2021.05.17)”. [Slide].
- “Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining (2021.05.07)”. [Slide].
- “MASS: Sequence to Sequence Pre-training for Language Generation (2021.04.03)”. [Slide].
- “BART: Denoising Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training for Natural Language Generation, Translation, and Comprehension (2021.03.04)”. [Slide-Long Ver.]. [Slide-Short Ver.].
- “Retrofitting word vector to semantic lexicons (2020.01.08)”. [Slide].
- “Learned in Translation: Contextualized Word Vectors(2019.11.20)”. [Slide].
- “Language Grounding and Never-ending Language learning. (2019.06.25)”. [Slide].
- “GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation(Paper seminar). (2019.05.31)”. [Slide].
- “Oversampling Scheme using Conditional GAN(Paper seminar).(2018. 11. 07)”. [Slide].
- “Implementation of Korean Sentence Similarity using Sent2Vec sentence embedding(Paper Seminar).(2018. 10. 19)”. [Slide].
- “Distinguishing Japanese Non-standard Usage from Standard ones(Paper Seminar).(2018.10.05)”. [Slide].
- “Universal Dependencies For Finnish(Paper seminar).(2018.09.28)”. [Slide].
- “Visual Question Answering(VQA).(2018.07.09, 2018.07.16)”. [Slide].
- “Tensorflow Practice For NLP open seminar.(2018.05.25)”. [Slide].
- “Skip-gram & CBOW(continuous bag-of-words).(2017.11.28)”. [Slide].
- “Word2Vec & Language Model.(2017.10.23)”. [Slide].
- Research Projects
- AI 드라마 창작의 최신 기술동향 및 전망에 대한 연구 by SBS 미디어 홀딩스 주식회사 2020. 03. 15 ~ 2020. 08. 31
- Modeling News Credibility Prediction with Computational Methods(Kor ver: 공하적 분석기법을 활용한 기사 신뢰도 예측 모형 연구) by NRF(Kor ver. 한국연구재단) 2018. 07. 01 ~ 2019. 06. 30
- Automatic Spelling Correction and Abstractive Text Summarization including Rare Words by using Sequence-to-sequence RNNs(Kor ver. 순차정보 학습 순환 신경망을 이용한 오류어 자동 교정 및 회소 단어가 포함된 텍스트의 자동 요약) by NRF(Kor ver. 한국연구재단) 2017. 09. 01 ~ 2020. 05. 31
SK Hynix memory solutions | San Jose, CA | 2016.02 --- 2017.01
Software Engineer(Intership)
- worked in Advanced storage team for NVMe protocol and SSD’s new technology.
- carried out “Robusta” project which transfers features of SSD from firmware to Linux Host, based on NVMe protocol. The features of hardware is Translation Map, wear-leveling, Garbage Collection.
- tested and researched rrpc(Round-Robin page-based hybrid FTL) and pblk(physical block device) of LightNVM on QEMU-NVMe(hypervisor) with FIO.
- tested and researched Application-Managed FTL and Device-mapper with FIO, I also investigated about Multi-Queue layer on Linux.
- tested SSD(DumbSSD) for Robusta with NVMe-cli Open Source tool(ioctl), changing the OpenSource tool.
- investigated and researched F2FS which is friendly filesystem of SSD and RocksDB for Robusta.
- tested and verified all flash array system for performance of NVMe device on LINUX with CPU-affinity, CPU-isolation and IRQ handler. the all flash array system is storage that all consists of SSD.
- have verified performance of filesystem on SSD with FIO, filebench tool and postmark tool, tuning NVMe-cli to get a WAF, file systems that I verified are F2FS, ALFS, ext4. [GitHub].
SAMSUNG SOFTWARE MEMBERSHIP | Seoul, South Korea | 2014.01 --- 2015.06
Software Membership
- carried out a variety of projects in the group that Samsung Electronics supports, this group consists of undergraduates from a variety of Universities.
- developed windows(UI), Server(database) and a dish-recognition algorithm of the application, “Smart Refrigerator tell the location of the dish to a person who is visually impaired”, with Samsung Electronics' Home Appliances Business Department for designing new IOT product, using C#(Windows), Emgu CV, MySQL, Open Source(Clipper).
- developed windows(UI), USB communication module and graphic card’s algorithm to adjust monitor's brightness, contrast and gamma of Windows application, “Monitor Calibration using smart phone device”, using C#(windows), Java(Android).
- developed algorithm of battery-efficiency and tested the performance of project, “Customizing Governor in big.LITTLE Architecture”, in order to improve efficiency of smart phone’s battery using C/C++(Linux), Java(Android).
- developed a sever of application, ”User Customizing the English wrong note ”, using Apache, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Java(Android).
- developed algorithm of Lego Mindstorms for Leg robot’s war.
- taught about “ the basic algorithm & data structure”, to co-work.
- worked as advisor about project especially involved natural language processing(nlp) and Linux when co-work started such a project.
- learned about communication skill, ability of planning, Leadership, while I organized team and planned to do project as leader or member of team.
Natural Language Processing Labs in Kookmin University | Seoul, South Korea | 2013.04 --- 2014.12
Internship(undergraduate research assistant)
- wrote the paper, “Plagiarism Detected Source Retrieval and Text Alignment” that posted in National Assembly Library Journal and accepted in 26th Annual Conference on Human and Cognitive Language Technology(HCLT-2014).
- developed UI and algorithm of project, “Plagiarism Detected Source Retrieval and Text Alignment” using Python.
- developed and designed the Knowledge-Base of Automatic Scoring of Korean Short(Clause & Phrase) Answer using MySQL, C/C++.
- developed a PDF document filter using C/C++. - Toy Project
- carried out project, “CopyCheck : A Two-step Approach to Plagiarism Detection”, using C/C++.
- learned natural language processing and information Search skills, trained in coding and writing.
Korea IT Volunteers | Phrae, Thailand | 2012.07 --- 2012.08
Volunteer & Teacher
- volunteered in RongFong ICT Center at the Phrae, Thailand for teaching IT & Korea's culture to Thais, RongFong Villagers & NAMCHANG Elementary School's students.
- learned communication skill with foreigners who can't speak English at all while working and teaching.
- learned problem-solving ability while resolving unexpected problems in this volunteers.
- Korea IT Volunteers is hosted in NIA(NATIONAL INFORMATION SOCIETY AGENCY) & ITU(International Telecommunication Union).
Kookmin university | Seoul, South Korea | 2008.03 --- 2016.08
- developed term project, “Visualizing Bigdata”, using sigma library in Javascript.
- carried out term project of encryption & decryption using AES algorithm and analysis of packet using the Wireshark.
- developed term project, “Mini-C compiler using Lex”, Yacc, C.
- carried out term project, “Robot cleaner algorithm with Backtracking” using C.
- developed term project, “Cover flow” using openGL.
- carried out project, “line Tracer with Lego Mindstoms” using C.
Kookmin University | Seoul, South Korea | 2019.09.02 --- Present
Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science, Field of Study: Computer Science, in particular, Natural Language Processing
GPA - 4.33 / 4.5, 98.1 % cumulative average
- ongoing
- worked as TA(teaching assistant) at Python(2019 2nd, 2020 1st, 2021 1st) class for students who don't major in CS and engineering.
- Toy projects for autonomous vehicle and Visual SLAM and Traffic sign classification
- German traffic sign classicfication in Autonomous Driving Recognition and Decision class[Github]
- Project 1 for Perception and Planning in Advanced Vehicle Intelligence class [Github]
- Project 2 for Viual SLAM in Advanced Vehicle Intelligence class [Github]
- On paper seminar on my classes
- (team presentation)SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector in European conference on computer vision 2016 in Autonomous Driving Recognition and Decision class (2021. 05.25)[Slide].
- ADA: Adaptive Deep Log Anomaly Dectector in Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2020 on Advanced Topics in Computer Science class (2020.11.04)[Slide].
- Real-time Personalization using Embeddings for Search Ranking at Airbnb in Proceedings of KDD 2018 on Data Mining class (2019.12.13)[Slide].
- BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding In Proceedings of NAACL 2019 on Selected Topics in Computer Science class (2019.12.02)[Slide].
- Neural Machine Translation Inspired Binary Code Similarity Comparison beyond Function Pairs In Proceedings of NDSS2019 on Advanced Information Security class (2019.10.24)[Slide].
- On Presentation on my classes
- Drama Script's Genre Classification and Keywords Clustering on Advanced Information Computing class(2020.07.03)
- Sentiment analysis based on LSTM (long short-term memory) on Introduction to Deep learning class (2020.06.29)
- Go Green Insurance Migration on Cloud Architect by AWS Academy class (2020.06.30)[Slide].
Kookmin University | Seoul, South Korea | 2017.08.28 --- 2019.08.21
Master of Engineering(M.Eng.) in Computer Science, Field of Study: Computer Science, in particular, Natural Language Processing
GPA - 4.43 / 4.5, 99.2 % cumulative average
- On paper seminar on my classes
- Memory Networks In Proceedings of ICLR 2015 on Selected Topics in Computer Science class (2018.11.21)[Slide].
- Large-Scale and Language-Oblivious Code Authorship Identification In Proceedings of CCS'18 on Advanced Topics in Computer Science class (2018.11.06)[Slide].
- DeepLog: Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis from System Logs through Deep Learning In Proceedings of CCs'17 on Advanced Information Security class (2017.12.06)[Slide].
- On Presentation on my classes
- Word Embedding Method of SMS Messages for Spam Message Filtering porject on Machine learning class (2019.04.16)[Slide].
- Korean Language Autospacing team project in class of Advanced Tech. in Machine Learning (2018.06.12)[Slide][Github].
- How to use Tensorflow on Advanced Information Computing class (2018.04.30)[Slide].
- Word embedding on Advanced Information Computing class (2018.03.19)[Slide].
- Interprocess communication (What Middleware layer is about socket communication with TCP and UDP) on Advanced Distributed System Class (2017.10.31)[Slide].
- worked as TA(teaching assistant) at Python(2017, 2nd) class and Excel class & Codly(2018, 1st) class like block coding(scratch), JavaScript(2018, 2nd) class, Excel(2019, 1st) class for students who don't major in CS and engineering.
- worked as TA(teaching assistant) at Information retrieval & data mining(2017, 2nd) class.
- What is the NLTK(Natural Language Processing Toolkit)(2017.11.28)[Slide].
- SVM-light and SVM-multiclass Practics(2017.11.16)[Slide].
Kookmin University | Seoul, South Korea | 2008.03.03 --- 2016.08.24
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
GPA - 3.69 / 4.5, CS GPA - 3.67 / 4.5, 90.7 % cumulative average
- developed my Git-Hub pages, static website, using Jekyll, html, css, git.
- won scholarship eight times.
- won the 3rd Award in the ACM-ICPC of Kookmin University
- studied a range of the basic Computer Science and finished more than 7 term projects.
Republic of Korea Army(Military Service) | Dongducheon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea | 2009.03 --- 2011.01
Soldier at HR & Financial
- worked on things related to Accounting and HR Service as a personnel & accounting clerks in Army's Human Resources.
- wrote and arranged lots of documents using MS office and Hancom tool.
- prepared mobilization training as director leading lots of soldier.
- worked on thing related to military law.
- learned documentation skill using a variety of tools, leadership and accounting & HR tasks.
- Danbi Cho, Hyunyoung Lee, Seungshik Kang, “Multi-channel Long Short-Term Memory with Domain Knowledge for Context Awareness and User Intention”, published in Journal of Information Processing Systems, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 867-878, Oct. 2021. (Scopus)
- Danbi Cho, Hyunyoung Lee, Seungshik Kang, “An Empirical Study of Korean Sentence Representation with Various Tokenizations”, published in Electronics, Vol. 10, no. 7. Apr. 2021.(SCIE & Scopus)
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Contextualized Character Embedding with Multi-Sequence LSTM for Automatic Word Segmentation”, published in IEICE TRANS. INF. & SYST., VOL.E103–D, NO.11 NOV. 2020.(SCIE)
JOURNAL in Korea
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Sentiment Analysis using Robust Parallel Tri-LSTM Sentence Embedding in Out-of-Vocabulary Word”, published in Smart Media Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 16-24, Mar. 2021.(KCI)
- Dan Bi Cho, Hyun Young Lee, Won Sup Jung, Seung Shik Kang, “Automatic Classification and Vocabulary Analysis of Political Bias in News Articles by Using Subword Tokenization”, published in KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-8, Jan. 2021.(KCI)
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Automatic Word Spacing of the Korean Sentences by Using End-to-End Deep Neural Network”, published in KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering, vol. 8, no. 11, pp. 441-448, Nov. 2019.(KCI)
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Compound Noun Decomposition by using Syllable-based Embedding and Deep Learning”, published in Smart Media Journal, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 74-79, Jun. 2019.(KCI)
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “SMS Text Messages Filtering using Word Embedding and Deep Learning Techniques”, published in Smart Media Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 24-29, Dec. 2018.(KCI)
- Seung Shik Kang, Hyun Young Lee, Yu Jin Kang, “Plagiarism Detected Source Retrieval and Text Alignment”, published in NATIONAL ASSEMBLY LIBRARY, vol. 52, no. 6, pp. 12-19, Jul. 2015.
- Dan Bi Cho, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Subword-based Sentence Representation Model for Sentiment Classification” In Proceeding of The 9th International Conference on Smart Media and Applications (SMA 2020), Sep. 2020.
- Hye Jin Won, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Multi-prototype Morpheme Embedding for Text Classification” In Proceeding of The 9th International Conference on Smart Media and Applications (SMA 2020), Sep. 2020.
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Word Embedding Method of SMS Messages for Spam Message Filtering” In Proceedings of 2019 the 6th IEEE International Conference on Big data and Smart Computing(ASC(the 3rd International Workshop on Affective and Sentimental Computing) of IEEE BigComp 2019), Feb. 2019.
- Sung Hwan Son, Hyun Young Lee, Gyu Hyeon Nam, Seung Shik Kang, “Korean Song-Lyrics Generation by Deep Learning” In Proceedings of 2019 4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology (ICIIT 2019), Feb. 2019.
- Gyu Hyeon Nam, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Korean Dependency Parsing with Proper Noun Encoding” Accepted In Proceedings of 2019 4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology (ICIIT 2019), Feb. 2019.
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Deep Learning Method of Keyword Generation by using Doc2Vec and Word2Vec” In Proceedings of 2018 International Conference for Leading and Young Computer Scientists (IC-LYCS 2018), Feb. 2018.
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Spam Message Filtering by Using Sen2Vec and Feedforward Neural Network” In Proceedings of The 4th Annual Conf. on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence(CSCI 2017), Dec. 2017.
- Dan-Bi Cho, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Voice Phishing with Context-Awareness using Large Corpus” In Proceeding of Korea Software Congress 2020 (The KSC 2020-Online), Dec. 2020.
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Contextualized Parallel Trigram Sentence Embedding” In Proceeding of Korea Software Congress 2020 (The KSC 2020-Online), Dec. 2020.
- Dan-Bi Cho, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “A Study on the Detection of Anomalous Kicks in Taekwondo games by using LSTM” In Proceeding of The 53rd KIPS FALL CONFERENCE 2020 (The 53rd KIPS FALL CONFERENCE 2020-Online), Nov. 2020.
- Taek-Hyun Kim, Dan-Bi Cho, Hyun Young Lee, Hye-Jin Won, Seung Shik Kang, “Sentiment Analysis System by Using BERT Language Model” In Proceeding of The 53rd KIPS FALL CONFERENCE 2020 (The 53rd KIPS FALL CONFERENCE 2020-Online), Nov. 2020.
- Hye Jin Won, Dan Bi Cho, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Keyword Analysis by Drama Genre Using Document Clustering” In Proceeding of The 11th workshop on Convergent and Smart Media Systems (The 11th CSMS Workshop-2020), Aug. 2020.
- Dan Bi Cho, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Sentiment Analysis for Informal Text by using SentencePiece Tokenizer and Subword Embedding” In Proceeding of Korea Computer Congress 2020, Jul. 2020.
- Sung Hwan Son, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Korean Drama Script Generation by using LSTM Model” In Proceeding of Korea Computer Congress 2020, Jul. 2020.
- Sang Hun Shin, Seong Jae Song, Yeon Soo Kim, Hyeong Jun Park, Jin Seon Heo, Jeong Yeon Yun, Hyun Young Lee, “Sentiment Classification for Chatting Text of Internet Broadcasting by Using Subword Tokenization Model” In Proceeding of Korea Computer Congress 2020, Jul. 2020.
- Hye Jin Won, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “A Performance Comparison of Korean Morphological Analyzers for Large-scale Text Analysis” In Proceeding of Korea Computer Congress 2020, Jul. 2020.
- Dan Bi Cho, Hyun Young Lee, Ji-Hoon Park, Seung Shik Kang, “Automatic Bias Classification of Political News Articles by using Morpheme Embedding and SVM” In Proceeding of THE KIPS SPRING ON-LINE CONFERENCE 2020, May. 2020.
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Korean Sentiment Analysis by using Noisy Text Embedding” In Proceedings of The 31th Annual Conference on Human & Cognitive Language Technology(HCLT-2019), Oct. 2019.
- Dan Bi Cho, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “News Article Credibility Estimation by using Decision Tree Regression” In Proceeding of The 10th workshop on Convergent and Smart Media Systems (The 10th CSMS Workshop-2019), Aug. 2019.
- Gyu Hyeon Nam, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Korean Dependency Parsing by using Transition-based Deep Learning Technology” In Proceedings of 2018 Fall Conference Korean Multimedia Society, Nov. 2018.
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Compound Noun Decomposition by using Bi-LSTM and Linear-chain CRF” In Proceedings of The KIPS(Korea Information Processing Society) FALL CONFERENCE 2018(KIPS Fall-2018), Oct. 2018.
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Bi-LSTM-CRF and Syllable Embedding for Automatic Spacing of Korean Sentences” In Proceedings of The 30th Annual Conference on Human & Cognitive Language Technology(HCLT-2018), Oct. 2018.
- Gyu Hyeon Nam, Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “KoNLTK: Korean Natural Language Toolkit” In Proceedings of The 30th Annual Conference on Human & Cognitive Language Technology(HCLT-2018), Oct. 2018.
- Sung Hwan Son, Hyun Young Lee, Gyu Hyeon Nam, Seung Shik Kang, “Song-lyrics Generation system by Deep Learning” In Proceedings of The 30th Annual Conference on Human & Cognitive Language Technology(HCLT-2018), Oct. 2018.
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Korean Automatic Word Spacing by using Bi-LSTM Encoder” In Proceeding of The 8th workshop on Convergent and Smart Media Systems (The 8th CSMS Workshop-2018), Jun. 2018.
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Spam Text Filtering by Using Sen2Vec and Feedforward Neural Network” In Proceedings of The 29th Annual Conference on Human & Cognitive Language Technology(HCLT-2017), Oct. 2017.
- Hyun Young Lee, Seung Cheol Jeon, Yu Jin Kang, Seung Hwan Kim, Are Mi Lee, Seung Shik Kang, “Plagiarism Detected Source Retrieval and Text Alignment” In Proceedings of The 26th Annual Conference on Human & Cognitive Language Technology(HCLT-2014), Oct. 2014.
- Best Paper Bronze at International Conference on Smart Media and Applications (SMA 2020) | Jeju, South Korea | 2020.09
- Excellence Award at Automatic Spacing and Compound Noun Decomposition: 2018 Korean Natural Language Processing Contest | Seoul, South Korea | 2018.10.12
- 2nd Prize in Poster presentationon, at 2018 International Conference for Leading and Young Computer Scientists (IC-LYCS2018) (by Asia Pacific Society for Computing and Information Technology) | Okinawa, Japan | 2018.02.11
- Encouragement Prize(The Electronic Times CEO Prize), The 27Th Global Software Contest | Seoul, South Korea | 2015.12.16
- The Third Award, 2015 ACM-ICPC Asia-Daejeon Korea National First Round in the Kookmin University | Seoul, South Korea | 2015.10.05
- The First Award(1st Award), IOT Competition supported by Samsung Electronics' Home Appliances Business Department | Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea | 2015.05.21
- Encouragement Prize, 2014 Engineering Education Festival | Seoul, South Korea | 2014.11.07
- Encouragement Prize, 2013 Engineering Education Festival | Seoul, South Korea | 2013.11.15
- Encouragement Prize, 2013 Korean Language Information Processing System Competition | Seoul, South Korea | 2013.10.11
- Programming: (Intermediate) C, C++ , Python, (Low) Shellscript, C#, PHP, Java, JavaScript, perl, LISP.
- Development Tools: MS Visual Studio and Eclipse, Sublime Text, Vi editor.
- Embedded : (Intermediate)Raspberry Pi, ODROID-XU+E & A.
- Computer Graphics : (Intermediate)Window DC, (Low)OpenGL.
- Platform : (Intermediate) Windows, Linux(Ubuntu,Centos7), (Low) Android.
- Algorithm: (Intermediate) Basic Data Structure, Graph, Greedy, Searching(DFS, BFS), Sorting, Dynamic Programming, Tree.
- Natural Language processing(Intermediate).
- SSD : NVMe, QEMU-NVMe, OpenChannelSSD(LightNVM), FIO, NVMe-Cli, filebench tool.
- Machine Learning platform: Tensorflow.