Check If list is Loop, and then if Loop is right, what is the length of loop ???

how to solve this problem

  1. I think that I have to check Loop with floyd finding cycle algorithm.

  2. I think that I have to find the beginning of loop

If you want to skip 2, just slowNode is placed in beginning of list, again you have to move slowNode to fastNode

In this time, distance of moving slowNode is the length of loop

 int FindBeginningOfLoop (struct ListNode * head) {
    struct ListNode * fastnNode = head, slowNode = head;
    int loopExits = 0
    while ( fastNode != NULL && slowNode != NULL) {
      fastNode = fastNode -> next;
      if (fastNode == slowNode) {
       loopExits = 1;
      if (fastNode == NULL)
      fastNode = fastNode -> next;
      if (fastNode == slowNode) {
       loopExits = 1;
      slowNode = slowNode -> next;
    if (loopExits == 1) {
        int count =0;
        slowNode = head; // or I only have to move slowNode without chang head.
        while (slowNode == fastNode) {
           slowNode = slowNode -> next;
        return count;
    return 0;