this refers to 윤성우의 열혈 잘료구조

then, calculate the following

(3 + 4) * (5 / 2) + (7 + (9 - 5))

to calculate the above,

  • you first calculate the round brackets. ( 소괄호 부터 계산)

  • you calculate operator along with operator’s priority. (연산자 우선 순위에 맞추어 계산)

three expression of number

  • infix notation(중위 표기법) —–> 5 + 2 / 7

  • prefix notation(전위 표기법) —–> + 5 / 2 7 : calculate from the back

  • postfix notation(후위 표기법) —–> 5 2 7 / + : calculate using stack

postfix is more easy than infix to calculate.(프로그래밍으로 계산을 하는 것은 후위 표기법이 중위 표기법보다 쉽다.)

the following is to present method transforming from infix to postfix.

this considers the round brackets. when you transform from infix to postfix.

after the above, you calculate posfix. the method is the following.

code is the following.

int calculation(char exp[])
    Stack stac;
    int expLen = strlen(exp);
    char tok, op1, op2;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < expLen ; i++)
        tok = exp[i];
            SPush(&stack, tok - '0');
            op2 = SPop(&stack);
            op1 = SPop(&stack);
                case '+';
                  SPush(&stack, op1+op2);
                case '-';
                  SPush(&stack, op1-op2);
                case '*';
                  SPush(&stack, op1*op2);
                case '/';
                  SPush(&stack, op1/op2);
    return SPop(&stack);