This is a brief summary of paper for me to study and organize it, Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units (Sennrich et al., ACL 2016) I read and studied.

This paper introduce the subword unit into Neural Machine translation task to well handle rare or unseen words.

In other words, On the translation task, the translation of rare words is an open problem.

They said as follows:

The vocabulary of neural models is typically limited to 30,000–50,000 words, but translation is an open-vocabulary problem, and especially for languages with productive word formation processes such as agglutination and compounding, translation models require mechanisms that go below the word level.

On translation task, they verify the suitability of different word segmentation techniques, including simple character n-gram models and a segmentation based on the byte pair encoding compression algorithm.

In order to generate segmentation to subword units, they used an algorithm, also known as compressiont algorithm, byte-pair encoding.

This paper is based on the intuition that various word classes arr translatable via smaller units that words, for example name (via character copying or transliteration), compounds (via compoosition translation), and cognates and loanwords (vias phonological and morphological transofrmations).

They argue this paper has two main contributions:

  • We show that open-vocabulary neural machine translation is possible by encoding (rare) words via subword units. We find our architecture simpler and more effective than using large vocabularies and back-off dictionaries (Jean et al., 2015; Luong et al., 2015b).

  • We adapt byte pair encoding (BPE) (Gage, 1994), a compression algorithm, to the task of word segmentation. BPE allows for the representation of an open vocabulary through a fixed-size vocabulary of variable-length character sequences, making it a very suitable word segmentation strategy for neural network models.

They use neural network-based machine translation model with recurrent neural network such as Bahdanau et al. (2015).

The nueral machine translation system is implemented as an encoder-decoder network with recurrent enural network.

The encoder is a bidirectional neural network with gated recurrent units (Cho et tl., 2014) that read as in put sequence x = (x1,,xm) and calcuates a forward sequence of hidden states (h1,,hm), and a backward sequence (h1,,hm). The hidden state hj and hj are concatenated to obtain the annotation vector hj.

The decoder is a reccurent neural network that predicts a target sequence y = (y1,,yn). Each yi is predicted based on a recurrent hidden state si, the previously predicted word yi1, and a context vector ci. ci is computed as a weighted sum of the annotation of hj. The weight of each annotation hj is computed throught an alignment model aij, which models the probablity that yi is anligned to xj. The alignment model is a single-layer feedforward neuarl network that is learned joinlty with the rest of the network through backpropagation.

The Byte pair Encoding(BPE) is refered to in their paper as follow:

a simpoe data comporession techinique that iteratively replaces the most frequent pair of bytes in a sequence with a sinlge, unused byte. They adapt this alogrithm for word segmentation. Instead of merging frequent pairs of bytes, they merge characters or shcaracter sequences.

Firstly, they initialize the symbol vocabulary with the character vocabulary, and represent each word as a sequence of characters, plus a special end-of-word symble which allows us to restore the original tokenization after translation. They iteratively count all symbol pairs and replace each occurence of the most frequent pair (‘A’, ‘B’) with a new symbol (‘AB’). Each merge operation produces a new symbol which represents a character n-gram. Frequent character n-grams (or whole words) are eventually merged into a single symbol, thus BPE requires no shortlist. The final symbol vocabulary is equal to the size of the initial vocabulary, plus the number of merge operations - the latter is the only hyperparameter of the algorithm.

The algorith m can be run on the dictionary extracted from a text, with each word being weighted by its frequency.

They didn’t consider pairs cross the boudary of word for the efficience.

In their evaluation, they used as baseline a simple segmentation of words into character n-grams, i.e. bi-gram.

They evaluate two methods of applying BPE:

  • learning two independent encodings, one for the source vocabulary and one for the target vocabulary.
  • learning the encoding on the union of the two vocabulariese they called joint BPE.

The detalied result can be found in Sennrich et al., ACL 2016
