Here to get used to Vim, I will organize what I have known about vim command. trying to get information of the commands.

I did already it. But from now on I will do in detail once again here to get used to it.

First, Let’s see how to copy and paste texts or lines.

Copy and Paste in Vim

Basically, If you want to copy and paste in vim, remember three keywords, d, y, p

  • d stands for delete in Vim, which in other editor is usually called cut

  • y stands for yank in Vim, which in other editor is usually called copy

  • p means putting the text after the cursor where you are currently.

Let’s go through two ways of “copy and paste” and “cut and paste”

Copy and Paste with a line in Vim

  • yy or Y - yank the current line including the newline character at the end of the line

  • p - put the text after the cursor where you are currently.

  • P - put the text before the cursor where you are currently.

Cut and paste using visual selection in Vim

First, let’s go through how to select text or line using visual selection in Vim.

the key word of visual selection is v and V

  • v - Select character

  • V - Select whole line

  • Ctrl+v - Select rectangular blocks

If you choose a block to copy with visual selection, from now on, it is the same from copy and paste with a line in Vim.

In the position of what you want to cut,

  1. Press d to cut ( or y to copy)

  2. Move to where you would like to paste

  3. Press P to paster before the cursor, or p to paste after the cursor.

those is it about how to cut and paste using visual selection.

Search for text or the number of line you want

you have to search for text you want in command mode of vim.

Basically, Let’s see key words of search in vim. in Command mode, press / or ?

  • / - Search forwards for the pattern you will type after /

  • ? - Search backwords for the pateren you will type after ?

To navigate continuously searh for the pattern, Press n or N

  • n - Search forwards if you type some pattern with /. if you type some patter with ? , Search backwards.

  • N - This is vice versa in the case with /, search backwards, in other way of ?, Search forwards.

Search for the current word in Vim

If you would like to search for the current work, move the cursor to any word you want to search for.

Press * to search forwards for the next occurrence of that word, or Press # to search backwards.

*, # - Search for the exact word at the cursor like :

If you search for rain, it would not find out rainbow

But when you type subword of a whole word, If you want to find a whole word including subword.

Use g if you don’t want to search for the exact word like g*, g#

How to see cp949 or another encoded character on vim

e ++ecn=<your text’s encoding>
e ++enc=cp949

How to execute code in vim window

go to command mode by pressing key and type:

! clear; python3 %

step by step about explanation of the command

!: allows you to run a termainal command

clear: will empty your terminal screen

;: ends the first command, allowing you to introduce a second command

python3: will you python3 to run your script (it could be replaced with ruby for example)

%: concats the current filename, passing it as a parameter to the python command

How to set current line and column

If you want to represent current line and columns in vim.

set confirguration below in vimrc file.

set cursorcolumns # highlight current line
set cursorline # highlight current column

If you give cursorline and cursorcolumn an effect like bold

type in the following option in vimrc file


How to set tab sign with ‘|’

If you want to set tab setting consisting of two character ** ** and a space.

set list lcs=tab:|\ #the last character is space!

but if you want to change a sapce into another character.

set as follows

set list listchars=tab:|-

How to set white-space sign with another character

If you want to see the white-space character,

set list listchars=space:-

Undo and Redo in vim




Ctrl + r
