What is the tensor?
When you do programming of tensorflow, Tensor is everything. I mean the programming of Tensorflow is building a graph that freely transport tensors. Tensor in Tensorflow is a generalization of vectos and matrices. it potentially contains higher dimensions. Internally, Tensorflow representas tensors as n-dimension arrays of base datatype(string, int32, float32 and so on).
A tf.Tensor has two properties :
a data type(float32, int32 or string and so on): each element in the Tensor has the same datatype.
a shape: The number of dimension tensor has and the size of each dimension
- shape can be partially or fully known.
There are some types of tensor :
- tf.Variable, tf.Constant, tf.Placeholder, tf.SparseTensor.
In the key point, with exceptoin of tf.Variable, The value of a tensor is immutable, which means that in the context of a single execution tensors only have a single value.
Rank vs Shape
- rank: tensor object’s number of dimensions.
# Rank 0 (scalar)
animal = tf.Variable("Elephant", tf.string)
integer = tf.Variable(451, tf.int32)
# Rank 1 (1-dimension, vector)
floating_array = tf.Variable([3.14159, 2.71828], tf.float32)
# Rank 2 (2-dimension, matrix)
# Normally, A rank 2 tensor object consists of as least one row and at least one column.
matrix = tf.Variable([[7],[11]], tf.int32)
# To check what version of rank each variables is?
rank0 = tf.rank(animal)
rank1 = tf.rank(floating_array)
rank2 = tf.rank(matrix)
- shape: tensor object’s the number of elements in each dimension.
# Every element in a tensor is one
rank_three_tensor = tf.ones([3, 4, 5])
# To check the shape of a tensor
# To reshape of a tensor(rank 2)
matrix = tf.reshape(rank_three_tensor, [6, 10])
# To Check what kind of shape matrix has
There are three notation used in Tensorflow:
- rank, shape, dimencsion number
Rank | Shape | dimension number | Example |
0 | [] | 0-D | A 0-D tensor, A scalar. |
1 | [D0] | 1-D | A 1-D tensor with shape[3]. |
2 | [D0, D1] | 2-D | A 2-D tensor with shape[3,2] |
n | [D0, D0, … , Dn-1] | n-D | A n-D tensor with shape[D0, D1,…, Dn-1] |
If you don’t specify datatye of python object, when you create a tf.tensor, Tensorflow automatically choose datatype that can represent your data.
Python’s Integers –> tf.int32
Python’s Floating point numbers —> tf.float32
If you want to check an executed example code above, visit 01.tensor of hyunyoung2 git repository