Change of the number of PCI

if a carrier card has four NVMe SSD, But the number of PCI slot on a carrier card is more one than what PCI switch perceives.

So, I couldn’t boot OS, and I could’nt even enter BIOS state. then What is the solution of this problem.

That is to reduce the number of PCI slot on a carrier card.

If the number of PCI slot is wrong like this.

the number of PCI slot is more one than what PCI switch perceives.

$ lspci -tv
-[0000:00]-+-00.0  Intel Corporation 
           +-1c.4-[04-0a]----00.0-[05-0a]--+-01.0-[06]----00.0  Device SSD
           |                               +-02.0-[07]----00.0  Device SSD
           |                               +-08.0-[08]--
           |                               +-09.0-[09]----00.0  Device SSD
           |                               \-0a.0-[0a]----00.0  Device SSD
           +-1d.0  Intel Corporation 

As you can see even though devices is four on a card, PCI slot is five.

I have to reduce this PCI slot Writing to the EEPROM with binary file.

That binary file is to reduce one of PCI slots like this.

 $ lspci -tv
-[0000:00]-+-00.0  Intel Corporation 
           +-1c.4-[04-0a]--+-[0000:0a]---00.0  Device SSD
           |               +-[0000:09]---00.0  Device SSD
           |               +-[0000:07]---00.0  Device SSD
           |               +-[0000:06]---00.0  Device SSD
           |               +-[0000:05]-+-01.0  PLX Technology, Inc. Device SSD
           |               |           +-02.0  PLX Technology, Inc. Device SSD
           |               |           +-08.0  PLX Technology, Inc. Device SSD
           |               |           +-09.0  PLX Technology, Inc. Device SSD
           |               |           \-0a.0  PLX Technology, Inc. Device SSD
           |               \-[0000:04]---00.0  PLX Technology, Inc. Device SSD
           +-1d.0  Intel Corporation 

let’s another An examle

this change is implement with only PCI board without SSD

 $ lspci -tv
-[0000:00]-+-00.0  Intel Corporation 
           |                               +-02.0-[07]--
           |                               +-08.0-[08]--
           |                               +-09.0-[09]--
           |                               \-0a.0-[0a]--
after writting to the EEPROM with file(binary file), the follwoing

$ lspci -tv
-[0000:00]-+-00.0  Intel Corporation 
           |                               +-02.0-[07]--
           |                               +-09.0-[08]--
           |                               \-0a.0-[09]--
           +-1d.0  Intel Corporation 

since the number of PCI slots is reduced, I could reboot OS

I used GUI tooo on windows(PLX)to change the number of PCI slot.

BackGround shell

if you want to execute shell’s mutiple commands together, use &

[root@hyunyoung.lee ~]# for i in `seq 0 15`; do (nvme format /dev/nvme${i}n1 &); done
[root@hyunyoung.lee ~]# Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0
Success formatting namespace:0

As you can see the above result, you can check those 15 process of command executed together.

don’t forget &