8. String to Integer(atoi)

Implement atoi to covert a string to integer.

Hint : Carefully consider all possible input cases. If you want a challenge, please do not see below and ask yourself what are the possible input case.

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Notes : It is inteded for this problem to be specified vaguely (ie, no given input specs). You are responsible to gather all the input requirements up front.

int myAtoi(char* str) {

My Solution.

The following is assumption of input cases.

  • if the string includes characters except for number character.

  • if string first includes minus sign. in this case, I have to deal with this string to negative number.

int myAtoi(char* str) {
   int sign = 1,  digit = 10;
   long int returnValue = 0; 
   int i=0; 
   // where is the starting point of number ?
   while (str[i] == ' ') {
   // check if the number is negative or positive ?
   if (str[i] == '-' || str[i] == '+') {
        sign = (str[i] == '-') ? -1 : 1;
   // check if the range of number is between INT_MAX and INT_MIN  ?
   while ( '0' <= str[i] && str[i] <= '9') {
      returnValue = returnValue*10 + (long int)(str[i] - '0');
      if(returnValue*sign >= INT_MAX){
               return INT_MAX;
      else if (returnValue*sign <= INT_MIN) {
               return INT_MIN;
   return returnValue*sign;