5. Longest Palindromic Substring

Given a string S, find the longest palindomic substring in S. You may assume that the maximum lenght of S is 1000, and there exisits one unique longest plindromic substring.

char* longestPalindrome(char* s) {

My Solution

Brute force : deal with the whole cases

I think just simply after I make every case of substring. I check if that substring is palindromic.

  • First of all, I have to make all substrings.

  • Second of all, and then I need to check if reversing the substring is the same as the original substring.

char* longestPalindrome(char* s) {
   int lenOfS = strlen(s);
   char * tempSubstring = (char *)malloc((size_t)(lenOfS+1));
   char * reverseSubstring = (char *)malloc((size_t)(lenOfS+1));
   char * returnStr=(char *)malloc((size_t)(lenOfS+1));
   char * copyOfs = s;
   int maxOfLen = -1; 
   int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
   // all indices
   for ( i = 0 ; i < lenOfS ; i++) {
        // all length
        for ( j = 0 ; j < lenOfS ; j++) {
           if (j+i+1 > lenOfS)
           // for normal substring 
           memset(tempSubstring, 0, (size_t)(lenOfS+1));
           strncpy(tempSubstring, copyOfs+i , (size_t)(j+1));
           //printf("tempSubstring : %s\n", tempSubstring);
           //printf("i : %d j : %d, len : %d\n", i, j, j+1);
           // for reversed substring
           memset(reverseSubstring, 0, (size_t)(lenOfS+1));
           for ( k = 0 ; k < j+1 ; k++) {
              reverseSubstring[k] = tempSubstring[j-k];
           //printf("reverseSubstring : %s\n", reverseSubstring);
          if (strncmp(tempSubstring, reverseSubstring,strlen(tempSubstring)) == 0) {
              int temp=strlen(tempSubstring);
              if( maxOfLen < temp ) {
                    maxOfLen =  temp;         
                    memset(returnStr, 0 , (size_t)(lenOfS+1));
                    strncpy(returnStr, tempSubstring,(size_t)(temp));
          //printf("returnStr : %s\n", returnStr);
   return returnStr;

in the above case, for statement is three times.

Another way to improve over the above method 1.

-first I have to avoid unnecessary re-computation in the above algorithm.

-BUT, it is useless to do like this. i.e adding if statement in the middle of the above second for statement is useless.

-like the above, Time Limit Exceeded.

char* longestPalindrome(char* s) {
   int lenOfS = strlen(s);
   // all indices
   for ( i = 0 ; i < lenOfS ; i++) {
        // all length
        for ( j = 0 ; j < lenOfS ; j++) {
           if (j+i+1 > lenOfS)
           // if you know the current maxOfLen, you don't have to compute the case less than max 
           //printf("j+1 : %d, max : %d\n", j+1, maxOfLen);
           if (j + 1 < maxOfLen)
          //printf("returnStr : %s\n", returnStr);
   return returnStr;

Anothe way to improve the time complexity of the above 2, From now on I will explain the easy way.

  • at first, reverse the whole string.

  • after that, checking if the substring fits to reverse substrings

char* longestPalindrome(char* s) {
    int lenOfS = strlen(s);
    char * reverseString = (char *)malloc((size_t)(lenOfS)+1);
    char * returnString = (char *)malloc((size_t)(lenOfS)+1);
    int maxLen=-1;
    int i = 0, j = 0; 
    memset(reverseString, 0, (size_t)(lenOfS+1));
    memset(returnString, 0, (size_t)(lenOfS+1));
    // make the reverse string. 
    for(i = 0 ; i < lenOfS ; i++){
    //for check 
    //printf("s : %s\n", s);
    //printf("reverseString : %s\n", reverseString);
    for(i = 0 ; i < lenOfS ; i++) {
        for(j = 0 ; j + i  < lenOfS ; j++) {
            if (strncmp(&s[i], &reverseString[lenOfS-i-j-1], j+1 ) == 0) {
                if (maxLen < j+1) {
                    maxLen = j+1;
                    memset(returnString, 0, (size_t)(lenOfS+1));
                    strncpy(returnString, &reverseString[lenOfS-i-j-1], j+1);
                    //printf("returnString : %s, maxLen : %d\n",returnString, maxLen);
    return returnString;

this choice is time limit exceeded.

Another way to improve over the above method 2

  • while searching for the total cases, if time limit exceed.

  • Mostly, you have to use dynamic programming whithin searching problem.

  • dynamic programming is divided into two way, recursive function or for statement

  • If you use the following method, you can decrease useless operations.

  • In this problem, feature of palindorme.

    char * S = string.

           |----- true,       if the substring S[i]~S[j] is a palindrome.
    P(i,j) |
           |----- false,      otherwise.
                  P(i, j) = ( P(i-1, i-j) and S[i]==S[j] )
    The base cases are :
                  P(i, i) = true and P(i, i+1) = (S[i]==s[i+1])
  • If you find recurivse equation, you can use the dynamic programming.

  • next stage, you can choose the method like how to make function between only using for statement and recursive function.

  • the below is the case of only using for statement.

  • when using dynamic programming, you typically need to use state array(dp array).

  • it is similiar to BFS, DFS, Backtracking and so on.

  • in avobe case, similarity is with state array.

// I use dp array 
// <-a->,  <-aa-> 
char* longestPalindrome(char* s) {
    char visited[1000][1000] = {0};
    int lenOfS = strlen(s);
    int maxLenOfSubstring=0;
    int i = 0, j = 0; 
    int startIdx = 0 , endIdx = 0;
    char * returnString = (char *)malloc((size_t)(lenOfS)+1);
    if (lenOfS == 1 || s == NULL)  
        return s;
    // length of substring is 1
    for (i = 0 ; i < lenOfS ; i++) {
        visited[i][i] = 1;
        maxLenOfSubstring = 1; 
    // lenghth of 2
    for (i = 0 ; i < lenOfS-1 ; i++) {
        if (s[i] == s[i+1]) {
            //printf("if (s[%d] == s[%d])\n", i, i+1);
            visited[i][i+1] = 1;
            maxLenOfSubstring = 2;
    // above 3 elements;
    for ( i = 3 ; i <= lenOfS ; i++) {
           for (j = 0 ; j < (lenOfS - i + 1) ; j++) {
                int k = j + i -1;
                visited[j][k] = ((visited[j+1][k-1] == 1) && (s[j]==s[k]));
                if (visited[j][k] == 1){
                    maxLenOfSubstring = i;
    memset(returnString, 0, (size_t)(lenOfS+1));
    return strncpy(returnString, &s[startIdx], maxLenOfSubstring);

Another way to improver over the above method 3

  • just Expand around Center

  • it is divided into two cases. one is length of center is 1, the other case is length of that is 2.

  • for example, in ‘aba’, the center is ‘b’.

  • another example of “abba”, the center is between ‘bb’.

  • big hint : f(i-1, j-1) = true and s[i] == s[j] —-> f(i,j) is palindrome

  • with above equation, You just divid case into two, whether center is one element or two element.

static int ExpandAroundCenter(char * s, int left, int right) {

    while (left >=0 && right < strlen(s) && (s[left] == s[right])) {
    return right - left - 1; // the total length.  

char* longestPalindrome(char* s) {
    int lenOfS=strlen(s);
    int startIdx=0, endIdx=0;
    int maxOfLen = endIdx - startIdx;
    char * returnString = (char *)malloc((size_t)(lenOfS+1));
    int i=0, j=0; 
    for (i = 0; i < lenOfS ; i++) {
        int lenOfSubString1 = ExpandAroundCenter(s, i, i); 
        int lenOfSubString2 = ExpandAroundCenter(s, i, i+1);
        int maxLenOfSubStrings = (lenOfSubString1 > lenOfSubString2) ? lenOfSubString1 : lenOfSubString2;
          //  printf("i: %d -- lenOfSubString1: %d, lenOfSubString2: %d --maxLenOfSubStrings :%d\n",i, lenOfSubString1, lenOfSubString2,maxLenOfSubStrings);
        if (maxOfLen <= maxLenOfSubStrings) {
                startIdx = i - (maxLenOfSubStrings-1)/2;
                endIdx = i + maxLenOfSubStrings / 2;        
    memset(returnString,0, strlen(s)+1);
   // printf("len : %d\n",endIdx - startIdx + 1 );
   // printf("startIdx:%d, endIdx:%d", startIdx, endIdx);
    return strncpy(returnString, &s[startIdx], endIdx - startIdx + 1); 

Another algorithm

Reference site : cplusplus


  • char * strncpy ( char * destination, const char * source, size_t num);

  • This function always deal with NULL value, So you have to be careful of this point.


  • int strncmp ( const char * str1, const char * str2, size_t num);

  • size_t is an unsigned integral type