intersection of two list

just I recommend you to refer to geeksforgeeks

for example,

  A:          a1 → a2   
                      c1 → c2 → c3   
  B:     b1 → b2 → b3   

in the above case, how can you find c1 without any information ??????

just in this case, you cas get just lits is only linked list and don’t have Loop.

->즉 전제 조건은 리스트 들은 각각 링크드 리스트 그리고 순환 구조가 아니라고 해보자.


  • 단순한게 만나는 점을 찾으면 되기 때문에, 이중 Loop를 이용하면 된다.
  • just try to find intersection of List, so just using two of Loop is the simple solution.

let’s make psuedo code

 void intersectionOfLinkedList (ListNode * A, ListNode *B){
     for( the length of List A ) {
        for ( the lengthn of List B ) {
               if( address of Node of List A == address of Node List B) {
                       printf("the same address : address of Node of list")
  printf(" there is no the same address") // this means theres is no intersection.

If you want to improve more the above algorithm, just find out the shortest length of both of above them.

let’s say make pseudo code

 void intersectionOfLinkedList (ListNode * A, ListNode *B){
   here is you have to calculate the length of the two lists after that, you find out the shortes length of the both.
   and the shortest length is List A in next for statement.
      // from first to end
     for( the length of List A ) {
        for ( the lengthn of List B ) {
               if( address of Node of List A == address of Node List B) {
                       printf("the same address : address of Node of list")
  printf(" there is no the same address") // this means theres is no intersection.

how to use hash table

let’s make psuedo code

  void whereIsIntersectionInBothOfList (ListNode *A, ListNode *B) {
        // first 
        arrA[hash(each Node of List A)] = address of each Node of List A;
        // from first to end
        for ( the length of List B ) {
              if( arrA[hash(ech Node of List)] == address of each Node of List B) {
                        printf("there is intersection between List A and List B");
                        return ;
     printf("there is no intersection between List A and List B");

If you use the stack to solve this problem about intersection of the two lists.

yes, you can use the stack to solve this problem.

  1. 각 리스틑 스택에 집어 넣고 그 다음 top의 위치를 비교하여 다를 때가지 비교한다.

let’s make pesudo code

 struct ListNode * IsIntersectionOfLits (struct ListNode * A, struct ListNode *)
      Stack A, B;
      struct ListNode * tempA = NULL, tempB = NULL;
      struct ListNode * intersection = NULL;
      // first,  get StacK the total Node of each listNode 
      while (tempA != NULL) {
           tempA = tempA-> next;
      while (tempB != NULL) {
           B.push(tempB -> Node);
           tempB = tempB-> next;
      // Second, comare the tops from the Stacks. 
      while ( A.empty() != false && B.empty() != false ) {
           if ( !=
               intersection = or intersection =;
      return intersection; 

Another way

  1. 두 리스트 중 작은 길이만큼만 비교 즉, 각 리스트 길이를 구하고 그 다음에 두리스트의 길이의 차를 구해서

  2. 긴 리스트를 차이만큼 움직이고 나서

  3. 각 리스트의 노드가 동인한지 비교를 해본다.

  struct ListNOde * findIntersectingNode( struct ListNode * A, struct ListNode * B)
     ListNode tempA=A;
     ListNode tempB=B;
     int lenOfTempA = 0;
     int lneOfTempB = 0; 
     int differenceOfTwoLen = 0;
     ListNode * intersection = NULL; 
     // first, you have to calculate the length of two lists. 
     while (tempA != NULL) {
       tempA = tempA -> next;
     whil (tempB != NULL) {
       tempB = tmepB -> next;
     // Second, difference of length of two list 
     // here I allocate tempA the longer List/
     if ( lenOfTempA < lenOfTempB ) {
           tempA = tmpeB;
           tempB = TempA;
           differenceOfTwoLen = lenOfTempB - lenOfTempA;
     else {
       tempA = tempA;
       tempB = tempB;
       differenceOfTwoLen = lenOfTempA - lenOfTempB;     
     // now you have to move the longer list by differenceOfTwoLen 
     for(int i = 0 ; i < differenceOfTwoLen ; i++) {
          tempA = tempA->next;
     // finally, you have to compare whether two list is indentical. 
     while (tempA != NULL && tempB != NULL) {
          if (tempA -> data == tempB ->  data) {
                 intersection = tempA or intersection = tempB
          else {
               tempA = tempA -> next;
               tempB = tempB -> next;
    return intersection; 