간단한 rocksDB 예제

이 RocksDB performance test

이 사이트는 페이스 북의 rocksDB와 python을 이용해서 간단하게 데이터 베이스 시스템의 성능을 측정하는 방식이다.

만약 rocksDB를 처음 접한다면 한번쯤 보고 따라 해보는 것도 좋을 거 같다.

순서는 대략 다음과 같이 진행된다.

  1. git clone rocksDB github

  2. make && make install 을 통한 rocksDB 설치

  3. 그리고 python을 설치 한후, 간단한 데이터베이스 코딩을 한다.

rocksDB test process

facebook github를 보면 rocksDB의 모든 것을 알 수 있다.

아래는 기본적인 설치 과정을 따라하면 경험한 오류 들이다.

자 이제 기본적인 설치 과정을 보려면 facebook rocksDB install.md or RocksDB install

위의 두 링크는 같은 것이기 때문에 어느 것을 봐도된다.

그리고 내가 진행한 방식은 두가지이다.

하나는 release version, 다른 하나는 그냥 rocksDB 공식 github 자체를 이용했다.

다른 말로는 rocksDB 4.3 & 4.6version이라는 말이다.

만약 4.3의 release rocksDB를 원한면 facebook git을 참조하자.

아니라면, 아래처럼 하자.

Now I have downloaded on facebook git with git instruction, which is “git clone https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb.git”.

And I compile the rocksDB source with make.

results are :

일단 처음으로 rocksDB를 설치를 하기 위아여 다운을 받고 있다. 
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost ~]$ git clone https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb.git

[hyunyoung.lee@localhost ~]$ ls
Desktop    Downloads  linux-4.5         Music     Public   Templates
Documents  leveldb    linux-4.5.tar.xz  Pictures  rocksdb  Videos
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost ~]$ cd rocksdb/
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost rocksdb]$ ls
appveyor.yml                hdfs                  ROCKSDB_LITE.md
arcanist_util               HISTORY.md            src.mk
AUTHORS                     include               table
build_tools                 INSTALL.md            third-party
CMakeLists.txt              java                  thirdparty.inc
coverage                    LICENSE               USERS.md
db                          Makefile              util
DEFAULT_OPTIONS_HISTORY.md  memtable              utilities
doc                         PATENTS               Vagrantfile
DUMP_FORMAT.md              port                  WINDOWS_PORT.md
examples                    README.md
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost rocksdb]$ make
Makefile:99: Warning: Compiling in debug mode. Don't use the resulting binary in production
  GEN      util/build_version.cc

 [hyunyoung.lee@localhost rocksdb]$ ls
appveyor.yml                        db_test2                      optimistic_transaction_test
arcanist_util                       db_universal_compaction_test  options_file_test
arena_test                          db_wal_test                   options_test
AUTHORS                             DEFAULT_OPTIONS_HISTORY.md    options_util_test
auto_roll_logger_test               deletefile_test               PATENTS
autovector_test                     delete_scheduler_test         perf_context_test
backupable_db_test                  doc                           plain_table_db_test
block_based_filter_block_test       document_db_test              port
block_hash_index_test               DUMP_FORMAT.md                prefix_test
block_test                          dynamic_bloom_test            rate_limiter_test
bloom_test                          env_test                      README.md
build_tools                         event_logger_test             redis_test
cache_bench                         examples                      reduce_levels_test
cache_test                          fault_injection_test          rocksdb_dump
checkpoint_test                     file_indexer_test             ROCKSDB_LITE.md
CMakeLists.txt                      filelock_test                 rocksdb_undump
coding_test                         filename_test                 skiplist_test
column_family_test                  file_reader_writer_test       slice_transform_test
compact_files_test                  flush_job_test                spatial_db_test
compaction_iterator_test            full_filter_block_test        src.mk
compaction_job_stats_test           geodb_test                    sst_dump
compaction_job_test                 hdfs                          sst_dump_test
compaction_picker_test              heap_test                     stringappend_test
compact_on_deletion_collector_test  histogram_test                table
comparator_db_test                  HISTORY.md                    table_properties_collector_test
CONTRIBUTING.md                     include                       table_reader_bench
corruption_test                     inlineskiplist_test           table_test
coverage                            INSTALL.md                    third-party
crc32c_test                         iostats_context_test          thirdparty.inc
c_test                              java                          thread_list_test
cuckoo_table_builder_test           json_document_test            thread_local_test
cuckoo_table_db_test                LANGUAGE-BINDINGS.md          tools
cuckoo_table_reader_test            ldb                           transaction_test
db                                  ldb_cmd_test                  ttl_test
db_bench                            librocksdb_debug.a            USERS.md
db_block_cache_test                 LICENSE                       util
db_compaction_filter_test           listener_test                 utilities
db_compaction_test                  log_test                      Vagrantfile
db_dynamic_level_test               make_config.mk                version_builder_test
dbformat_test                       Makefile                      version_edit_test
db_inplace_update_test              manual_compaction_test        version_set_test
db_iter_test                        memenv_test                   wal_manager_test
db_log_iter_test                    memory_test                   WINDOWS_PORT.md
db_properties_test                  memtable                      write_batch_test
db_repl_stress                      memtable_list_test            write_batch_with_index_test
db_sanity_test                      memtablerep_bench             write_callback_test
db_stress                           merge_helper_test             write_controller_test
db_table_properties_test            merger_test                   write_stress
db_tailing_iter_test                merge_test
db_test                             mock_env_test
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost rocksdb]$ ./db_bench
Please install gflags to run rocksdb tools.

위에서 본거와 같이 make을 하고 나면 각종 rocksDB와 관련되 실행 파일을 볼 수 있다. 

그리고 벤치 마킹을 위해 ./db_bench프로그램을 실행했지만 rocksDB는 gflags에 dependency가 있다. 

이를 설치해야한다. 

for a few days, I was looking for the way, which installs gflags.

so I followed the install.md file of the facebook github.

in the gflag installation of the install.md file, their tools of rocksDB has denpendency on glfags library.

and I have stuided on the way to install gflags library.

First, direclty, I used the google github.

but google github source code need a camke(version 2.8.12) which creates makefile.

I installed cmake utility with yum. but this tools is 2.8.10.

So to fix it, I refers to this site, where here is to manually install cmake-3.0.0 on centos 7.

but, when I recompiled the rocksDB, I couldn’t run ./db_bench program.

that is why a executable file couldn’t open the .so file, ilbgflas.so.2.

if you have a question about the way to fix it, please refer to this.

The following is my experience for isntall.

아래를 보면 분명히 library는 존재하는데 찾을 수 없다는 메시지가 나온다. 
 - 이 경우는 올바른 라이브가 설치 되어도 나왔던메시지이다.
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost rocksdb]$ ./db_bench
./db_bench: error while loading shared libraries: libgflags.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

아래는 위의 에러를 수정한 후 다시 ./db_bench를 해봐도 같은 오류가 발생을 했다. 

확인을 해보니 아래와 같은 파일을 있고, 정작 libgflags.so.2는 없다. 

이를 확인 한 다음 나는 구글 github를 직접 이용을 한게 아니라 

아예 페이스북에서 설명하는 방식을 하기로 했다.
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost build]$ cd /usr/
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost usr]$ ls
bin  etc  games  include  lib  lib64  libexec  local  sbin  share  src  tmp
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost usr]$ cd local/
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost local]$ ls
bin  cmake-3.0.0  doc  etc  games  include  lib  lib64  libexec  sbin  share  src
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost local]$ cd lib
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost lib]$ ls
cmake  libgflags_nothreads.so  libgflags_nothreads.so.2.2  libgflags_nothreads.so.2.2.0  libgflags.so  libgflags.so.2.2  libgflags.so.2.2.0  pkgconfig

아래는 페이스북이 알려준 gflags를 설치  library 위치를 확인한 결과이다. 

[hyunyoung.lee@localhost ~]$ cd /usr/local/lib
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost lib]$ ls
libgflags.a   libgflags_nothreads.a   libgflags_nothreads.so    libgflags_nothreads.so.2.1.0  libgflags.so.2      pkgconfig
libgflags.la  libgflags_nothreads.la  libgflags_nothreads.so.2  libgflags.so                  libgflags.so.2.1.0
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost lib]$ 

위의 에러를 고치기 위해서는 일단 리눅스의 동적라이브러리와 라이브러니 경로 설정을 제대로 해야 한다. 

그 결과 정상적으로 설치가 가능했다. ./db_bench프로그램을 위한 정상적이 라이브러리 설치가 가능했다. 

그리고 아래는 이제 제대로 ./db_bench프로그램으로 ssd를 테스트 해본것이다.

[hyunyoung.lee@localhost rocksdb]$ ./db_bench
LevelDB:    version 4.6
Date:       Wed Apr  6 19:46:33 2016
CPU:        4 * Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-0000 CPU @ 3.40GHz
CPUCache:   3072 KB
Keys:       16 bytes each
Values:     100 bytes each (50 bytes after compression)
Entries:    1000000
Prefix:    0 bytes
Keys per prefix:    0
RawSize:    110.6 MB (estimated)
FileSize:   62.9 MB (estimated)
Write rate: 0 bytes/second
Compression: Snappy
Memtablerep: skip_list
Perf Level: 0
WARNING: Assertions are enabled; benchmarks unnecessarily slow
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
fillseq      :       1.716 micros/op 582671 ops/sec;   64.5 MB/s
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
fillsync     :       4.138 micros/op 241635 ops/sec;   26.7 MB/s (1000 ops)
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
fillrandom   :       4.358 micros/op 229486 ops/sec;   25.4 MB/s
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
overwrite    :       4.306 micros/op 232244 ops/sec;   25.7 MB/s
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
readrandom   :       5.271 micros/op 189712 ops/sec;   21.0 MB/s (1000000 of 1000000 found)

DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
newiterator  :       0.614 micros/op 1628417 ops/sec; 
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
newiteratorwhilewriting :       0.677 micros/op 1476487 ops/sec;
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
seekrandom   :      10.139 micros/op 98630 ops/sec; (816350 of 1000000 found)

DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
seekrandomwhilewriting :      18.241 micros/op 54821 ops/sec; (795757 of 1000000 found)

DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
put or merge error: Not implemented: Provide a merge_operator when opening DB
pure virtual method called
pure virtual method called
terminate called without an active exception
terminate called recursively
Received signal 6 (Aborted)
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost rocksdb]$ vim ./bashrc
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost rocksdb]$ gedit ~/.bashrc
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost rocksdb]$ ./db_bench
LevelDB:    version 4.6
Date:       Thu Apr  7 09:53:27 2016
CPU:        4 * Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-0000 CPU @ 3.40GHz
CPUCache:   3072 KB
Keys:       16 bytes each
Values:     100 bytes each (50 bytes after compression)
Entries:    1000000
Prefix:    0 bytes
Keys per prefix:    0
RawSize:    110.6 MB (estimated)
FileSize:   62.9 MB (estimated)
Write rate: 0 bytes/second
Compression: Snappy
Memtablerep: skip_list
Perf Level: 0
WARNING: Assertions are enabled; benchmarks unnecessarily slow
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
fillseq      :       1.771 micros/op 564609 ops/sec;   62.5 MB/s
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
fillsync     :       3.994 micros/op 250388 ops/sec;   27.7 MB/s (1000 ops)
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
fillrandom   :       4.313 micros/op 231867 ops/sec;   25.7 MB/s
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
overwrite    :       4.379 micros/op 228341 ops/sec;   25.3 MB/s
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
readrandom   :       5.324 micros/op 187812 ops/sec;   20.8 MB/s (1000000 of 1000000 found)

DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
newiterator  :       0.607 micros/op 1648277 ops/sec; 
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
newiteratorwhilewriting :       0.653 micros/op 1531684 ops/sec;
DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
seekrandom   :      10.463 micros/op 95577 ops/sec; (816350 of 1000000 found)

DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
seekrandomwhilewriting :      19.673 micros/op 50829 ops/sec; (795962 of 1000000 found)

DB path: [/tmp/rocksdbtest-1000/dbbench]
put or merge error: Not implemented: Provide a merge_operator when opening DB
pure virtual method called
pure virtual method called
terminate called without an active exception
terminate called recursively
Received signal 6 (Aborted)
[hyunyoung.lee@localhost rocksdb]$